Solo Exhibitions

2022 New Work, Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, Carmel, CA

2021 Lin Fischer: New Perspectives on the Figure, virtual show, Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, Carmel, CA

2019 Lin Fischer, Roll Up Project, Oakland, CA

2018 Recent Paintings, Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto, CA

2017 Lin Fischer, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA

2016 Landscapes and Figures, Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto, CA

2015 Figures and Landscapes, Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery, Lafayette, CA

2012 Go Figure, Thomas Reynolds Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2008 Figures, Robert Green Fine Art, Mill Valley, CA (Two person show)

2004 - 2007 Ongoing show, Sloan/Miyasato, SF Design Center, San Francisco, CA

2000 New Work, John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA

2003 The Human Figure, Cultural Exchange Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

1999 Figurative Paintings, Diane Nelson Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA

1998 New Paintings, Academy of Art College, San Francisco, CA

1998 New Work, John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA

1994 Inaugural Show, Foyer Gallery, Albany, CA

1993 New Work, Engineers' Club, San Francisco, CA

1993 Fischer's Figures, Academy of Art College, San Francisco, CA

1989 Figures, University of California, Berkeley, CA

1988 Goddesses, Weir Gallery, Berkeley, CA

1987 Life As We Know It, Studio One Gallery, Oakland, CA

1986 Male, Female - The Reach, American Institute of Architects, Oakland, CA

Selected Group Exhibitions

2025 Family Portraits, monca Museum of Northern California Art, Chico, CA

2024 Among the Trees, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA

2024 Ascendance of the Figure in American Art, Kim Eagles-Smith Gallery, Mill Valley, CA

2023 Depictions, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA

2022 The Breakfast Group, Los Medanos College Art Gallery, Pittsburg, CA

2021 Live Invitational Summer Exhibition, George Billis Gallery, Westport, CT

2020 The Breakfast Group - a Second Cup of Coffee in Carmel, Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, Carmel, CA

2020 Summer Salon, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA

2020 Faber Birren Color Award Show, Stamford Art Association, Stamford, CT

2019 Summer Salon, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA

2018 The Breakfast Group, Liberty Arts Gallery, Yreka, CA

2018 Summer Salon, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA

2017 Holiday Show, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA

2016 FIGURE, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA

2015 Vivid Recollections, Mythos Fine Art, Berkeley, CA

2015 UCDavis Library 50th Anniversary, Davis, CA

2015 Figures Within and Without, Mythos Fine Art, Berkeley, CA

2015 Figures and Faces, Pacific Art League Juried Exhibition, Palo Alto, CA, 2nd Prize

2014 Figure and Ground, The Cherry Center for the Arts, Carmel, CA

2014 Left Coast Annual Juried Exhibition, Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica, CA, Honorable mention

2014 Beauty Fierce as Stars - Groundbreaking Women Painters of the 1950s, and Beyond, Mythos Fine Art, Berkeley, CA

2014 The Breakfast Group, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA

2013 The Beat Generation and Beyond, John Natsoulas Center for the Arts, Davis, CA

2013 Berkeley Scenes, Firehouse Gallery, Berkeley, CA

2013 The Breakfast Group - A Half Century of Java and Jive, Cherry Center for the Arts, Carmel,CA

2013 Figurative Paintings, Hewn, The Design Center, San Francisco, CA

2012 Figures in Paint Figures in Stone, 600 Townsend, San Francisco, CA

2011 Shine, Berkeley Art Center Members Show, Berkeley, CA

2011 Small Treasures, Thomas Reynolds Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2010 National Small Works Exhibition, NAWA, New York, NY

2010 Go Figure, Arts Benicia (Invitational), Benicia, CA

2010 Au Naturel - The Nude in the 21st Century, Clatsop College Art Center, Astoria, OR

2009 Celebration of Form and Color, Art Space 712, San Francisco, CA

2009 Bay Area Annual Juried Exhibition, Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica, CA

2009 Bet You Can’t Paint a Portrait - Bay Area Figurative Art Now, competition, Art Space 712, San Francisco, CA
Juror: Theophilus Brown

2009 Bold Expressions, Sacramento Fine Arts Center, Sacramento, CA

2008 Inaugural Show, Artzone 461, San Francisco, CA

2008 Statewide Painting Competition, Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA

2008 Beaux & Eros, Peninsula Museum of Art, Belmont, CA

2007 New Realities, Charles Campbell Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2007 Sloan/Miyasato, SF Design Center, San Francisco, CA

2006 Stephanie Caloia, Model, Crockett Contemporary Art, Crockett, CA

2005 The Auto Show, Charles Campbell Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2005 Local Voice, Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA

2004 Gallery Artists, Dolby Chadwick Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2004 Summer Show, SCAPE, Corona Del Mar, CA

2003 Gallery Artists, Cultural Exchange Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

2001 Painters Painting Painters, invitational, Arts Benicia, Benicia, CA

2001 Gallery Artists, Cultural Exchange Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

2001 Figurists- Lin Fischer, Kim Frohsin, Theophilus Brown; Caroline Blake Gallery, Charleston, SC

2000 Northern California Painters, John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA

1999 Gallery Artists, Campbell/Thiebaud Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1999 Gallery Artists, John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA

1999 The Human in It's Environment, Gallery Concord, Concord, CA

1999 Working From the Figure, Arts Benicia, Benicia, CA

1998 Albany Artists, Foyer Gallery, Albany, CA

1998 All Things Great and Small, John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA

1998 Civic Arts Instructors, Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA

1998 Recent Work, William Turner Gallery, Venice, CA

1997 All Things Great and Small, John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA

1996 Gallery Artists, Dorothy Weiss Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1996 Faculty Alumni Show, Academy of Art College, San Francisco, CA

1995 Faces of Woman, Las Vegas Arts Council, Las Vegas, NV

1995 Gallery Artists Show, Banaker Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1994 69th Crocker-Kingsley Competition, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA, Honorable Mention

1995 Figurative Show, Banaker Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1995 Spring Show, Academy of Art College, San Francisco, CA

1993 Figure it Out, Ghia Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1992 Two Views, Academy of Art College, San Francisco, CA

1991 Men By Women, Gallery Concord, Concord, CA

1990 Faces and Figures, Carmel Gallery, Danville, CA

1990 The Figure, Banaker Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA

1990 Contra Costa County Artists, Hearst Gallery, St. Mary's College, Moraga, CA

1989 Summer Show, Weir Gallery, Berkeley, CA

1989 Fools For Love, Weir Gallery, Berkeley, CA

1988 Solstice Show, Weir Galley, Berkeley, CA

1988 California Landscapes, Weir Gallery, Berkeley, CA

1988 Frisco 100, Alligator Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1988 Women Artists ‘88, Friday House Gallery, Placerville, CA

1987 December Show, Weir Gallery, Berkeley, CA

1987 Gallery Artists,  Victor Fischer (no relation) Galleries, Oakland, CA


1995-2016 Painting instructor - private students; California College of the Arts, Oakland CA; Walnut Creek Civic Arts Education, Walnut Creek, CA; Master's Candidates at Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA


1993 MFA in Painting, Academy of Art College, San Francisco, CA

1965 BFA in Painting, University of California, Davis, CA

Selected Collections

The Institute and Museum of California Art, UC Irvine, CA

UCDavis University Library

Morgan Flagg

Mills College

Fresno Art Center

Buck Foundation